Sunday, April 1, 2012


This post is obviously for the male readers who are looking to get the most out of their workout routine, because testosterone is what give you your drive, motivation, and muscle growth.  Even the guys who are cutting should read this, because lack of test in your system, can lead to excess estrogen, which makes your body store unwanted fats in the breast tissue.

There are two vital procedures in releasing your body's natural testosterone.  One is extremely simple, the other is difficult for most.

#1 - Sleep! Not only is sleep important for aiding in muscle regrowth and recovery, but during REM sleep the body is releasing its hormones, most importantly testosterone.  It may sound funny, but this is why more often than not guys wake up with morning wood, your testosterone is highest when you first wake up, causing you to have an overly active sex drive early in the morning.  Since REM sleep only happens for a short amount of time, once you have already been asleep for 5-6 hours, it is important that you are getting long, uninterrupted periods of rest.  If I know I have to be up for work at 8am, I am in bed with the lights off by midnight.

#2 - Squats and Deadlifts! These are the ones some of you are going to have trouble with.  When you first start going hard in the weight room, these are probably the two most hated exercises. But trust me, you will come to love them.  Not only do you see quick gains in these exercises, they actually MAKE YOU FEEL BETTER. As long as you have good safe form, it is during these two lifts that your body is completely exerted, using everything you got, forcing itself to release testosterone.  Now don't run to the gym and put 700lbs on the squat rack, then blame me when you become a paraplegic.  Take your time, do it at your own pace, if you feel your form isn't perfect then ask for help, watch some videos on YouTube, get a weightlifting belt. Safety comes first in the gym guys, I can't stress that enough.


IMPROPER FORM (for laughs):

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