Saturday, October 13, 2012

I'm back! Facebook question: Best snacking ideas?

First off I'd like to say sorry to everyone who had been reading. I havent written anything in a while because I honestly didn't think anyone was reading! After several questions through facebook, text messages, and instagram (@mike_blackford) . I will also attempt to update my twitter as much as possible (@MikeBlackford).

Facebook question: What are the best things for snacking on?

Well, this is a problem I often run into, with working long shifts, taking classes, and everything else in my crazy busy life.  Like I've often said before, I think it is smarter to eat every two-three hours, to keep your metabolism increased throughout the day; although lately I have been reading up alot on intermediate fasting, but that will be talked about in another post.  Many people with an on-the-go lifetyle see fast food as a quick and easy answer to their hunger problems, but even Taco Bell's drive-thru-diet is a joke.  Sure the fresco chicken soft taco is under 200 calories and only 3.5g of fat, but those over processed foods are much harder to digest, and lose their protein while they sit in the heater all day.  Obviously there are healthier quick options like Subway and Tropical Smoothie, but they are LOADED with unnecessary complex carbs, that will build up and store as fats.  Christ, even the salads at some of these fast food joints are packed with sugars.  THE BEST WAY IS TO PREPARE ALL OF YOUR FOOD IN ADVANCE! Most days, you know what your schedule looks like, and rarely does something pop up out of the blue, so you should have some sort of meals prepared in advance, so you know your macros for the day. Protein bars, and drinks are obviously another option here, but real food is the most familiar to your body, and can be  utilized in the best ways.  And for you gainers, I'm talking to you as well, this isn't just for the people who are trying to cut fat.  I know you need your extra protein and carbs, but processed food will create more muscle than fat, so EAT CLEAN!

For those wondering, I am back to cutting. It's been a slow start, but with another Savage Race just a week away, I am buckling down, getting my diet back to near perfect, on an awesome supplement plan, hitting the gym ATLEAST 5 days a week, no matter my work/school schedule. Because I WANT THIS MORE THAN ANYTHING IN THE WORLD! That will forever be my motto. Please tweet, message, text, me any questions you have, I will answer them as soon as possible and give an extended answer here anonymously. Soon I will be reviewing some new products to the market, including my new supplement regimen, and my personal records and measurements. Stay tuned, thanks for reading!